Life Tales: "I was frustrated and depressed" — A man narrates how a woman helped her after being deported.


   A concealed young man recently disclosed his life journey on a Facebook page called "The Humans of Abuja." 

  He narrated the unfortunate incident of being deported from South back to Nigeria. In this distressing situation, his family and friends turned a blind eye and were unable to offer any assistance, except for one of his sisters who provided support with her limited resources. 

  Eventually, she introduced him to a woman  of God whom she believed could provide a solution to his predicament.

In his word,

"I'm 34years old, the first son and 6th child in a family of 11(parents inclusive). I struggled with serious hardship until I got an opportunity to travel to south Africa.

When I got there, what I was told before leaving Nigeria wasn't what I saw. One thing led to another and I had to do what I had to do to earn a living. 

My brother(same village with me) who brought me over there was into drugs, he introduced it to me and I became his dealer with time. I knew all the deal codes and I was doing so well in it.

I was sending money home frequently to my siblings, cousins, relatives. I was doing it so happily because I know the level of hardship I came from and wanted to change our family condition for good.

I also had a South African girlfriend, she was all I wanted in a woman. We were deeply in love and I sincerely was making plans to marry her.

One day, I received my package of drugs that I was meant to sell and I divided it into half and kept half in my house while I took the other half out to my normal sales spot.

Getting there, I noticed the atmosphere was unusually so calm. I didn't know the police was on ground and my supplier and every other person at that spot has been arrested.

Immediately I stepped into that place, the police arrested me as well. That was how I landed in prison for 6months and finally got deported. 

All those period I was in prison, my girlfriend kept coming to visit me while my brother and my guys never showed up.

When I got deported, I couldn't tell anyone I was in Nigeria. I stayed in Lagos for 3 months until I found the courage to call my eldest sister and told her all that happened.

She told me how worried they've been about me for the past 9months without any call or money from me as usual. She motivated me to come back home to her place.

I finally accepted my reality and told my family all that happened. I lost communication with my girlfriend after some months and my brother never called me as well.

I started life afresh, searched for jobs but couldn't get anyone with a reasonable pay because I wasn't a graduate, infact I stopped at junior secondary level.

Some of my siblings and cousins were doing well but none of them thought to help me in anyway. I continued staying in the village for months and saw myself in depression and suicidal thoughts.

My eldest sister was the only one worried about me but she wasn't financially capable of assisting me. She directed me to a woman of God to find out what my problem really is and get a possible solution.

The day I went to see the woman, she saw through me despite how good I dressed. She told me my reality, warned me never to commit sui.cide and assured me that things would be well with time.

I left feeling more better, I got back to the village and the mockery from my relatives was much plus the hardship. I began feeling more frustrated than I was, the woman of God offered to give me a space in the church compound.

I moved into her church and it's been almost two years now. She and her children has been so kind to me. They've been feeding me from the first day I moved in till today without grudges.

She has tamed me more than my biological mother. She tolerates me and my excesses, sometimes she flogs me with words and my brain resets. She's as old as my mum and has been a mother to me. 

She introduced me to the business she does which is land buying and selling. She would tell me to join her whenever she wanted to buy a land, I would help put the beacons and clear the partitions and she made sure I recieved my agent commission. 

From the agent commissions, I saved N2.4 million and applied for visa to turkey and unfortunately it was denied. I got depressed again because I was beginning to feel like I was a burden to this woman.

She has been so good to me and I don't want to ruin it, I have bigger plans as a man and a first son. She noticed my mood for some weeks and offered to lend me some money to apply for another Visa.

She lent me 3.5 million with the agreement that I would pay back without 18 months whenever I travel out successfully. I didn't know there are still good Samaritans in this time.

My mom has also been benefitting from her via prayers and she doesn't charge them a dime. She strongly believes that I'm a great person and would eventually make it in life even when I sometimes doubt it.

I pray and hope my Visa gets approved this time so I can repay this woman for all her kindness and also have good establishments for myself. I now know that God exists, cos I used to think life was all about making money, having good time with women etc. 

Nothing concerned me with prayers then but I now pray and seek God's opinion about everything I do. I don't joke with prayers now, I don't ignore my dreams, visions and instincts anymore. I now know my purpose on earth and now have a clear direction.

I now know better, if only I knew what I know now..I definitely wouldn't have messed up the first opportunity I got. I would have atleast owned some plots of land and even good businesses with all those money I was lavishing and sharing but experience is the best teacher, they say."

Credit; Facebook|The Humans of Abuja 

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