"But I would choose this tough life a million times over Nnamdi" — A young lady narrates her ordeal she had with her first love.

 A mysterious young woman, whose identity remains a secret, experienced love at first sight and bravely shares the challenges she faced after becoming pregnant with her lover.

 Despite the young man's heartfelt confession of love, she eagerly accepted his proposal without realizing that it would mark the beginning of her worst nightmares.

 As the young lady, whose identity remains undisclosed, recounts, after getting pregnant, she was sent stay with the man, thinking after giving birth he would eventually come pay her bride price

 However, reality turned out to be quite different. Un known to her, the man she deeply loved turned out to be a cruel beast, driven by frustration and poverty.

 Discover the gripping true story of her life below and draw valuable lessons from her harrowing journey.

She narrates,
"I was 23yrs of age when i first met Nnamdi, he walked into it mom's shop to buy something and I served him. He looked calm and harmless and i somehow caught him stealing a glance. 

It was raining heavily and he had to wait for the rain to stop, he initiated a conversation about the difficulty in the country and we conversed at length before the rain stopped. We exchanged contacts and he left. 

I got home around 9pm and just few minutes later, my phone rang and it was him. He wanted to know if i got home safely. We talked for a while about ourselves and he seemed very nice and caring. 

He would casually visit me sometimes at the shop and order his usual 2 meat pies and a bottle of coke. We became very close and i could even visit him sometimes in his fathers house. 

He asked me out and i accepted without even thinking twice as I was already in love with him. I knew he had temper issues but i didn't see it as a reason not to love him. We dated for 8 months before we became intimate. 

He lives in Enugu but usually visits his parents here in Aba. Sometimes, i travel from Aba to Enugu to see him. Our parents became aware of our relationship. My mom didn't like him so much but she kept her cool because she saw how much i loved him.

After 2 months of allowing him de-flower me, the worst happened!! I missed my period. I got a test strip and found out I was pregnant for him. He was in Enugu then and i didn't know exactly how to break the news to him and how he'd take it. 

I managed to summon courage and told him over the phone. He said he wasn't ready to be a father yet so he tried to persuade me to ab.o.rt it which i refused with reasons. 

Surprisingly, my mum found out and was shattered when she confronted me about it and i had to tell her the truth. I was 2 months gone when my mum and Nnamdi's Parents agreed that i move to Enugu to live with him till i give birth.

I packed my bags the next day and set off to Enugu. I got to Enugu and that was when It really dawned on me that an entirely new chapter of my life had begun. He promised to marry me after I give birth and I believed him.

At first, he was supportive and assists me with certain chores whenever he feels like doing so. He was not so caring and lovely as i rated him to be at first. With time, His True Nature Started to Unfold.

He would go to work and come back so late at night and badly drunk. He works as a security personnel at Firstbank and didn't earn so much. My presence made things more tough for him as well. 

We would struggle to eat twice a day and even when we have something to eat, it's just one mad combo with no protein. My mom sometimes sends us foodstuffs until her shop was robbed and she had to start all over again.
Nnamdi's behavior on the other hand grew worse by the day. He completely stopped helping me with chores. I overworked my self at 9months and even fainted one day while trying to spray his cloths that i washed.

I got tired of the kind of man he turned out to be but just couldn't do anything. He was an angel on the outside but also a demon on the inside. I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and he became my reason to be happy as all my focus was channeled to him. 

3 Months later, I reminded him of his promise to pay my bride price. His countenance changed completely and it was obvious he wasn't ready to marry me. 

This happened repeatedly and
I kept reporting to my mum about everything I've been going through but she'll always tell me to calm down and be strong. But honestly, i already was tired of being strong. 

On 2nd of April 2020, i found out i was Pregnant again. I was so mad at myself for letting him get me pregnant again after refusing to go and pay my bride price. I was so bitter and had to confront him about paying my bride price. 

We had a heated argument and he beat me up. I swore i was going to leave him and he started pleading with me. His parents and siblings plus my mom kept begging me too and I gave in.

When I was 5 months pregnant, Nnamdi and his friend who is a land agent sold a land and he got 250k commission as an agent who brought buyer. I suggested that he takes part of the money to come perform some marriage rites so we can be traditionally and officially married. 

He agreed with me on it but ended up squandering the whole money without using it for something reasonable atleast. I confronted him as usual and it ended badly again.

Mostimes, I'd complain to his parents and they'd talk to him but he still wouldn't change. Hitting me became a habit for him. We can't even have healthy conversations or arguments, He'll just hit me. 

I gave birth to my second son and things never got better. Nnamdi would receive his salary but wouldn't bother taking care of our needs. My first son already started school and he wouldn't even bother paying his son's school fees.

 I kept calling my friends and neighbors to borrow from them so i can pay my son's school fees. I would beg them money so i and my children would eat and once i get money and cook, he will come back and go straight to the pot and dish a huge quantity for himself without asking how the food came about and how we planned to eat it.

It got to the point that my son was sent out from school because we couldn't pay his school fees and he didn't care. He does not only beat me up, He cheats on me. I found out that he was sending money to his girlfriends while I and his children keep starving and begging.

I confronted him and as usual, he beat me up. He was so angry that i read his messages. The kind of beating he gave me that day, i would never forget it. It was an eye opener to me because it was clear Nnamdi had turned to a Beast.

I got fed up and had to leave and at this point, nobody could try to stop me because i already was fed up and i had my mind made up. He went to work that morning and before he came back, i already packed my things, took my kids and ran back to my mom's at Aba. 

He kept calling and I blocked him. He came to Aba that weekend to see my mom and my mom chased him out of her house and warned him never to come back again. 

I picked the courage to start life afresh, I hunted and got a job where I earn 15k monthly. It's been almost two years now, I still live with my mom and she has been so supportive.

My kids are back to school and I'm happy I left Nnamdi with my life. It's been tough catering for my kids, but I would choose this tough life a million times over Nnamdi. I have learnt my lessons and I'm still hoping that God rewrites my story someday."

Credit: Facebook page|Humans of Abuja 

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