"I was completely stranded! I didn't have any source of income" — A woman recounts her painful ordeal following the loss of her spouse.

  A woman in her thirties, who unexpectedly faced the challenges of life, recounts her experience of how she was treated following the loss of her husband. 

 Unprepared for the hardships that life would present, she had relied on her husband's support and care, as he had encouraged her to focus solely on managing the household and raising their children.

 However, her situation took a turn for the worse when her husband tragically passed away due to an accident. In the aftermath, her in-laws displayed a lack of concern for her and her children's well-being. This forced her to start anew, solely responsible for herself and her children's welfare.

 Below, she shares the heart-wrenching account of her journey.

" I'm 30years old with three children. I met my husband when I was working as a salesgirl in a boutique. He was my soulmate because nothing else explains why we got glued to each other the way we did.

In less than 8 months, we got married. He was so kind to me, provided all I needed without me asking. Even as the children started coming, he got even better with his duties. The only issue I had was his family, they didn't like me but they didn't matter so much because my husband was always at his best.

He didn't allow me to work, I didn't want to work either because I thought I wouldn't be needing it. He told me to relax and mind taking care of myself and the kids while he does the provision. He loved me genuinely and always makes me happy.

I guess good people truly never last, he died in a ghastly car accident on 18th January on his way back from an event at his village and was buried on the 4th of march. It felt like my air has been taken away, I'm suffocating but somehow I am being strong for my kids.

I was completely stranded! I didn't have any source of income, how was I going to take care of my children? His family didn't have a change of heart towards me even in his d.ea.th. I was loosing my mind, I would see him with me all the time in the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom etc.

I couldn't heal, I was hurting badly. My siblings suggested that I move to a new location with less or no memory of him so I can start to heal. I didn't have any money, they contributed amongst themselves and rented a house for me in a new environment.

They advised me to start a business so I can be able to take care of myself and my kids. The only money I had was the little I saved from the upkeep money my husband would always give to me. My siblings gave me some money to add to the one I already had and I started selling roasted yam, beans, plantain and fish in my street.

It's been 4 months since I started the business and I'm grateful I summoned the courage to start a business. My children has not gone to school since we relocated, I'm hoping to put them in a new school in this area by next year.

My in-laws have not asked about us for once, they do not know how we are faring and do not care to know. I'm trying my best and hoping that God comforts me, keeps me and my kids alive and blesses the works of my hands".

Credit: Facebook|Humans of Abuja 

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