"She has wasted a lot of innocent bloods through poisoning and witchcraft" — Man recounts his tragic experienced he had with his mother.


  The individual, whose identity remains undisclosed, sorrowfully recounted the devastating impact his mothers had on his life. As the third child in the family, he was subjected to disdain from his mother and siblings, while receiving love from his father.

  According to the young man, he resorted to doing whatever it took to ensure the well-being of his ailing father. He became involved with a group of individuals who offered him opportunities to earn money, but this decision robbed him of his peace. Despite his desire to start anew, unforeseen circumstances arose that nearly claimed his life.

 Please read the harrowing account below and share your thoughts on this matter.

"I'm the 3rd child of my parents and I'm 36years old. We are 11 in number. Our dad died few years ago after so many years of illness and suffering.

All my siblings hated my father because of the things our mom tells us about him. They never cared for him while he was sick for over 7years. My mom on the other hand didn't care too, she was busy with other men in her life and trying her best to drive my dad to his gra.ve.

I was the only one amongst my siblings that didn't like my mom. My instincts kept telling me that my dad is a good man with all I see but my siblings seemed blindfolded. I was taking care of my dad alone, I was struggling to make money so I can afford his drugs and food.

One day, some group of men came to our house and requested to see me. I was the only one in the village, every other of my siblings left the village for greener pastures. They told me a lot of things about fighting for our country and before I knew it, I was already one of them.

I was told it was a noble cause and would be rewarded handsomely. I went through training for two weeks in the bush, they gave me arms and initiated me by blood. We had targets, we would invade, k.i.l.l, be.head, burn evil men and make videos of them.

I didn't feel bad because to me it was a noble cause. We were fortified and given powers at shrines to be able to dissappear or become invisible whenever danger strikes. I was making cool money from it and also taking care of my dad until he died.

After his death, I started to have a rethink of my life. I realized that the noble cause as they say has led me into so many wrong things. It introduced me into cracks and hard drugs, womanizing, idolatry, staining my hands, my peace was gone because I was always after something or something was after me etc.

I tried opting out but they told me that the blood oath we had would not permit me to do so. I was stuck and didn't know what to do so I continued with them until last year when the government came out in full force to face us.

That particular day we were at our normal meeting point in the bush when we noticed three helicopters fly past us and before we knew it it was raining gunshots from above us. The helicopters came very down and soldiers shot at us. It was a sudden attack and a lot of us (95%) died in it.

A bullet was coming directly to my head and I blocked it with my hand so it pierced into my wrist. I fell on the ground and right there I promised God that if he gave me a second chance to live, I would serve him for the rest of my life. 

I pulled the invisibility stunt and it worked, I ran out of the bush and hid. I kept begging God in my heart and he showed up for me. I came out of that attack wounded but alive and that was the day I ended that lifestyle. My mates were dead already, there was none to threaten me anymore.

I began going to church and started life again on a fresh note. The church I was attending then made me a minister even when I was still clearly into women and cracks because it became an addiction. I didn't even know anything in the bible but there is this aura I command naturally.

As a minister, I began to live in the church premises until another temptation came from the wife of the general overseer. I packed my things overnight and left the church but the woman kept attacking me in my dreams.

One of her members who was close to me saw me one day and while we discussed about the incidents in the church, she told me of a woman of God that could help me with prayers. I went to the woman and she was really a true woman of God.

Through her teachings, I learnt true repentance and atonement for my sins. She told me the spiritual gravity of my commitments and also told me that I still have hope. The thing that shocked me the most was what she revealed to me about my mother.

She told me that my mom is very diabolic to the extent of being responsible for everything my father went through until his death. She also told me that my mom sold me and my siblings to the deities she was patronizing in exchange for power to oppress and manipulate people.

She told me that whatever I feel I've committed as sin is synonymous to what my siblings are doing same everywhere they are which is as a result of the influence of those deities my mum sold us to. She was also behind the d.ea.th of two of my siblings just few months after my dad passed.

She told me that my mom's cup was full already and it would result to insanity. She said the insanity will last for the rest of her life and even in her next life because she has been found guilty of a lot in the land of the d.ea.d.

She has wasted a lot of innocent bloods through poisoning and witchcraft, made some women barren, nullified peaceful homes, taken the lives of babies and children etc. Her only solution would be to repent and atone for her sins but she will still reap her fruits.

I took my time to verify about my siblings and found out that my sisters were into ch.il.d tra.ff.icking and a lot of unspeakable things while my brothers were into their own very rotten lifestyle.

We do not even have a good relationship as siblings, nobody asks about another and it feels normal. I traveled to the village and immediately I saw my mom, I was filled with rage. I asked her what we did to deserve a mother like her and why she ki.ll.ed our father.

She was talking off-point unlike her, she just kept mentioning people's names and laughing sarcastically. Sadly, she had already lost her sanity. I entered into our house and saw her clothes littered everywhere with tied dolls, different printed photos of people and a lot of things I couldn't explain.

Knowing that she has lost her senses (even though it wasn't off the roof yet)and there's nobody in the village to give her attention weakened me. I picked my things that I needed and I also packed some of her clothes and took her along with me.

I took her with me to where my eldest sister was living and my sister rejected her. I left her there forcefully and went to the church because I do not have anywhere of my own since I ran away from my village. 

There was no way I could take my mom to a place I was squatting in the church and still have the woman feed both of us. That would be cruel to do and I can't take that woman's kindness for granted.

Two days later my sister called me to tell me that she doesn't know my mom's whereabout and has searched for her everywhere in her neighborhood. We started looking for and finally got an information from someone that saw her at ihiagwa.

I personally went and brought her back to the church this time since my sister clearly didn't want to give her attention. I explained to the pastor and begged her to bear with me and my mum for some weeks.

It's been 2 weeks now, none of my siblings are calling to ask about her. The ones I call keep telling me that they don't want anything to do with her and I keep wondering why they suddenly changed because they've always been on my mum's side until our father passed.

I don't know what else to do, sometimes I feel like st.ra.ngling my mum. How can you render your husband and children useless all in the name of power? Finally, what did you do with those powers? 

I am 36 years old and do not have anything I can call mine. The only job I do to get money now is bricklaying and other menial jobs. When will I get out of this bondage? When will I have a family of my own?? I'm so tired!!"

Credit: Facebook| Humans of Abuja. 

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