"why should very beautiful young ladies steal in a wedding?" — A recent married woman shared her experience of her wedding day.


  In this account, a recently married woman recounts the unfortunate experience she had during her wedding. After sharing her wedding invitation online, a long-lost friend from secondary school, with whom she rarely communicated, reached out to her privately and begged to be a part of her bridal party.

  Although she explained that the bridal party was already full and there was no more space, she reluctantly included her friend in the wedding committee.

  The events that unfolded on her wedding day, orchestrated by her old school friend and others, left her utterly devastated and shocked.

  Read another episode of LIFE TALES stories and hopefully learn from them.

"When I posted my wedding invitation online, Congratulations were pouring in as usual and one of my old secondary school mate came to my DM to ask of she could join my bridal train.

By then, my bridal train was already filled and I didn't want more persons but because she asked by herself, I felt it would be bad to decline her so I told her she's free to join. I told her the cost of the lace material, gele, handfan which was 10k.

She told me she didn't have any money and didn't expect that I would tell her about money. I just told her to forget about the bridal train since she doesn't have the money. She insisted on being part of my wedding to assist in anyway she could.

I knew her as a very collected girl from a religious home back then in school, we were distant friends though and she is my namesake. Our communication has just been commenting once in a while on our posts on Facebook.

I added her to my wedding committee group and assigned duty to her as well which was to assist in sharing food to my guests. I also assigned duties to every other members of the committee and provided tags for them.

There was also another girl that offered to help. She was a huge fan of my husband(he's and entertainer) and just as I added the other girl, I also added her to the committee and assigned a duty to her as well.

On my wedding day, I was surprised to see them leave their assigned duty and rush to pick money. It didn't bother me to an extent because of the huge crowd that came and the money raining was too much for just 4 persons to handle.

I also trusted them to be modest enough not to steal from us. I mean, why should very beautiful young ladies steal in a wedding? At the end of our wedding, my committee chairman handed over the money to me.

The other girl that came through my husband slept in our house with my husband's best friend and my mother-in-law while I and my husband slept at the hotel.

The next morning, we counted the money and realized that more than half of our money wasn't there. I said more than half because we know how many clubs that came there and we know how much our clubs gives to their members as a custom during their wedding.

We also know of people that sprayed us bundles of money without even separating it in singles. We were seriously shocked, but we didn't suspect any particular person because they were all people we trusted to a level.

We were thinking we had probably misplaced the money somehow because of how busy we were, the crowd, the activities etc. We got back to our house the next morning and made sure my husband's best friend and that other girl enjoyed their stay. 

After seeing them off, I decided to call my spiritual mom and tell her about the money stuff. She told us it was the girls in our committee and asked me to send their names to her.

I typed their names and sent to her, in three minutes she called and mentioned those two particular girls as the ones that did such. We were shocked and didn't know how to go about it.

We were still thinking of our next action when a call came in and it was my husband's best friend. He was complaining that he got to the park and discovered that the money he had on him was gone.

We asked him about the girl because they came together from Enugu to Imo State and were going together too. He said the girl told him that she forgot her footwear at the hotel we lodged them on our bridal night so she diverted to the hotel.

 We told him what we found out about the girl and he was speechless because he already lost his money in just one night that they spent together in our place. 

He even complained how the girl didn't want to take her bathe from the night after our wedding till the next morning we saw them off. She didn't want to leave that room for a second even to go and bathe. 

We were really mad but needed more proofs before confronting the two girls. We called our uncle who is a detective and was there on our wedding. Before we finished narrating how we lost money, he described those two girls and told us to ask them about the money.

He told us that he noticed some suspicious moves from them and even hushed them at some point but they still returned to the money ground somehow and he didn't want to create a scene.

It was at that point that I even remembered that while we were packing our stuffs to leave the wedding venue, my elder brother came to me and was asking me if I was owing anybody and I said NO, he left.

I called my brother immediately to ask him why he asked that question and he told me that he saw this same girl from Enugu stuffing some money which was obviously from our wedding into her waistbag and he confronted her.

Upon confronting her, she told him that I was owing her before the wedding so I gave her those money to clear my debt. She even told him that her balance was still remaining 3k and persuaded my bro to give her the balance so he gave her the money and then came to ask me.

After he asked me, he started searching for the girl and she dissappeared. I was more shocked because prior to my wedding, I've never spoken, seen or met this girl. That was the fourth proof but we needed more.

We called the people that covered our wedding and asked for the footage from our wedding. We saw those two girls at two different spots, the Enugu girl was stuffing money into her waistbag and one blue nylon she had while the other girl stuffed hers into the big black bubu skirt she was wearing.

That was enough proof for us to confront them. I called the first girl and calmly asked her to return the money she took from my wedding and she flared us, called me an ingrate for accusing someone that helped me selflessly. 

She even involved her elder siblings and they were cussing me out. I told her that I don't want to say much, that it would be better for her to return the money peacefully or face whatever consequences from it.

My husband called the other girl and did same. The girl didn't argue, she just sent 3k to his account and said it was the money my bro gave him and that she was sorry she lied. 

My husband called her again and gave her 24hours to return the whole money she took and she then started denying it. They both never sent any money and we didn't call them again for it.

We both decided to not take it higher and that whole energy the matter was bringing wasn't what we wanted at that moment at all. When the time we gave them elapsed, we just laid a cu.rs.e on them with the elements of nature and four cardinal points.

That incident was enough to teach us NEVER to trust people without them earning it. It's been 2 years now and nothing still makes sense to me why young beautiful girls will decide to steal from someone's wedding".

 Credit: Facebook | Humans of Abuja.

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