" I don't know me any more, I have been through struggles" — Jay Bogies cries out for help.

 P.rominent lifestyle influencer, Daniel Anthony, widely known as Jay Boogie, has made a heartfelt plea for assistance as he grapples with the deteriorating state of his health. Jay Boogie, who recently underwent a Brazilian Butt Surgery, has encountered severe complications that have adversely affected his kidneys.

In a recent update shared on his Instagram page, Jay Boogie reached out to compassionate Nigerians, urgently seeking both financial aid and kidney donations as his condition continues to worsen.

 Expressing his desperation, he reposted a video from his page on his Instagram story, accompanied by a poignant message: "I'm dying, y'all, please help me."

In the caption of the same video on his page, he further elaborated on the challenges he has faced since the surgery on October 31, 2023. 

Jay Boogie revealed that despite undergoing plasmapheresis, a medical procedure aimed at stabilizing his condition, he remains in an unstable state.

 Distressingly, his test results indicate a further decline in his health. Consequently, he earnestly implored for sincere and genuine assistance.

Reflecting on the drastic turn his life has taken since the surgery, Jay Boogie shared a video of himself undergoing medical checkups and receiving intravenous treatment while confined to his bed. With a fervent plea, he expressed his desperate need for help in order to overcome his current state of distress.

 In a plea for help, he shared a video from his Instagram page on his story, writing "I'm in dire need of assistance, I'm fading away." On the same video posted on his page, he captioned "My life changed on 31/10/23, I don't recognize myself anymore. I've been fighting with acute kidney injury and other struggles. Despite undergoing plasmapheresis, my condition remains unstable. My health is deteriorating according to the test results. I'm in desperate need of sincere and genuine help. Please, I implore you."

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