Life Tales: BEHIND CLOSED DOOR(TRUE LIFE STORY) Episode 3 by Oyiza.

"My panties were removed as well which made the bl00d from my private part visible on the floor, every drop that landed on the floor made me extremely vulnerable and less confident in myself.

I couldn’t even imagine my friend would do that to me. Fear instantly overpowered me and I kept pleading that they give my cloth back. 

All my pleas fell into deaf ears because the next cause of action was to clone my phone.

Everything on my phone was cloned right in my presence and I was told they now have access to all my communication and contacts.

2 of the Madams I was handed over to were known cu.|tist. They were notorious for manhandling girls, b£@t!ng them up, and paying boys to r@p€ them.

They gave me 24 hours to put myself together or they will help me put myself together. It meant that they would b€@t me and pay boys to come r#p€ me. 

I definitely didn’t want that happening to me, but my constant bleeding wasn’t helping.

I was ready to work, pay them and move on with my life but all spas were rejecting me. 

They started giving me food just once a day, send me out of the house to go look for men’s contact and I wasn’t allowed back in if I returned empty handed. 

I slept in tears and woke up in tears daily. 

That didn’t move them because every day, they made it a point of duty to send me out to hunt for clients, monitor my phone to see whom I was talking with and also tracking my movement.

The Visa given to me was a 3-month visa and I had already spent about 2 months without earning the millions I was envisioning. 

One of the days, I was f0rc€d out to go get numbers, I met a Nigerian guy who liked me and was very kind to me. He gave me money to give my Madam that day and he warned me to be careful of how I move because of CID. 

Due to the fact that they were tracking my movement, reading my chats, and listening to my calls, it was hard to keep money for myself or escape.

The Nigerian guy I met gave me money to take care of my bleeding and this enabled me head to the hospital, get tested and bought recommended medications from the pharmacy.

About 2 weeks to the start of the treatment, there was significant improvement, and I felt really healthy.

I started contemplating escaping because I knew there was no way I would avoid sleeping with multiple men but there was no where to go.

Where do I even escape to? I had no money for a ticket to return back home or anything.

Exactly, a week after my treatment, CID came and locked our spa. Everything we had was locked including my credentials. The people they met were arrested and my only saving grace was that I was out looking for men to collect their contacts.

I had nothing left me and I started sleeping the streets, squatting with people. The only days I ate were the days I visited the Nigerian guy and he would give me some money.

After a while, my madam became very angry and sold me to a man. She knew keeping me for a longer period of time would result in a loss for her, so she sold me out to the highest bidder. 

The highest bidder took me to Ras Alkemah to join other girls who were working for her. I met girls of 14, 15, and 16, some were in their 20s. The situation of things there made me attempt to unlive myself and 1 month later, the boss sold me off to two men.

Click here to read the final episode. 

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