life Tales: Man shares beautiful love story after series of heart break


"On 16th December 2021, I got a call from my girlfriend and she served me hot breakfast. It came as a shock because we were so in love and I've been the best man to her. 

We've not been intimate cos she told me she's a V*ir*gin and at first it was hard for me but later I zeroed my mind to wait till our marriage. She later wanted me to have her vir*gin*ity but I insisted that we wait. 

After much persuasion to know her reason for wanting to break up with me, she used the popular break up line.."it's not about you, it's me. I just feel like letting you go, so I can be more happy blah blah blah.."

She was just speaking what I Couldn't even understand. I couldn't believe it at all even after she finished her recitation and ended the call. I kept calling her for weeks to atleast know if I wronged her and make amends but it didn't work.

She had no reason and wasn't even mad or angry at me. At some point I got really upset, that love i had for her automatically switched to I stopped calling her but didn't delete her contact.

I started developing this negative mindset about women generally and decided to forget anything and everything concerning them cos they've shown me shege.

Two weeks Later, I was scrolling my news feed on Facebook and came across a post that was centered on describing "Who a real woman is". That was the second time I had seen that kind of post from the same lady. 

She was just dishing out very intelligent, realistic contents like say she be Lecturer. I started commenting on her posts and she'd reply me with the same matching Energy too. 

I started going through her timeline and while doing that I just said to myself loudly "Omor, I wish to Marry This Type of Girl!!!". Infact, I made a wish to marry that particular girl and make sure she's mine forever because she's too smart and Intelligent, too Beautiful, well Reserved and commands positivity. 

That was a clueless wish I would say cos I don't see myself going to her DM to say what I don't even know. Definitely, a handful would be in her DM and she comes out so reserved that she can block me immediately if I cap out of line.

I just respected myself and remained just a fan and admirer. Early January, I resumed work and made a post about My Piano Classes Because I'm a Music Producer and Director. 

I got a beep from messenger and to my greatest surprise, there she was! MY CRUSH!!! She wanted to Register for my classes. Ahh! I Encouraged her and gave her 2million reasons why she should register oh.. Lol

She was so friendly, her energy was so positive and welcoming. We became friends from talking about music, apparently she had registered for that exact music class before but her tutor was obsessed with her and she had to quit.

That was a heads-up for me not to try messing up so I kept that info very handy. She asked of my address and surprisingly, we were just a street away from each other.

We fixed a date for our first piano class and she came. She was much more beautiful in person than in Pictures, simply dressed and all natural. 

I was cooking when she came(it was a home studio). After Cooking, I served for two and we both ate. I'm a great cook normally, she complimented me so well.

We had our class and after that, we discussed about a lot of interesting things and most importantly to me, She was single!!

Subsequently, became great friends. I've taught over 100 students and have never developed any form of feelings for any of my students. With her, It was a very strong battle but FORTUNATELY, I Lost and Love Beat me Blue and Black, I fell and hit my head😂

One day after seeing my student crush off, My ex called me and started apologizing saying she said she didn't know what came over her etc. Ah! The way I changed it for her ehn, I warned her to never call me again.

I noticed my crush was about to permanently friend-zone me so I sharply asked her out officially to avoid stories that touch and she accepted. I didn't know madam has been loving up on Boy too. 

We dated for just 2 months and I was 100% sure she was meant for me. I've not been so sure of something in that manner in a long time. She was extremely good to be true.

I waited for 4 more months for benefit of doubt and I kept seeing more good than I saw in her. Aside the absolute peace of mind she brings, the gifts she buys me with her own money, how caring, kind, humane and fun she is, she's my guy in all aspects. 

We discuss football, tech, politics, religion, education, business etc just like men do. The sweetest part is that she drinks as much as I drink! Any brand I drink, she takes it comfortably and it turns me on.

She's very hardworking, highly spiritual, respectful and very lovely. She doesn't like stress and doesn't give me stress either, she's very transparent you can see through her just the way I am. My mom spoke to her just thrice on the phone and started asking me to bring her home.

A proper QUEEN with a touch of stubbornness and clinginess just the way I love it. I proposed to her and she gave me a happy YES and we had our wedding after 3 months.

My Ex called me and this time i I happily picked her call, gave her a huge vote of thanks for allowing God to use her as a vessel to make me the happiest man on earth. She said she already saw my wedding pictures and was calling to congratulate me.

It's been the best 2 years of my life with my crush as my WIFE and it still feels like a fairytale of the prince making a wish and it came to pass with Cinderella. 

Anytime I'm making a sentence that has "my wife" in it, it comes with all sense of pride and I'm unapologetic about it. This is God's own compensation for all I've been through in this life(especially in the hands of women)and truly, his Gift has no sorrow in it"

Credit: The  Human of Abuja

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