Life Tales: "My sister went to her pastor and complained to him and he told her that my mom is into witchcraft" — A young Lady recounts the hardship that her mother endured.

   Brace yourself for a heart-wrenching tale of a 22-year-old woman who bravely recounts the harrowing experience she and her mother endured at the hands of her older siblings and her mother's closest friends.

   Prepare to be captivated as she reveals the shocking revelation of her mother's sudden blindness, which led to her own siblings accusing her of being a witch. 

  As you delve into the story, you'll find yourself questioning the boundaries between reality and spirituality. Read on and let us know your thoughts on this extraordinary account.


I'm 22years old and the last child of my parents. My dad died when I was in primary school, leaving my mum to cater for my two brothers, my elder sister and me all by herself.

My mum tried her best to see us all through school and I'm currently in my second year in the university. She used to sell akara and fries by the road side before my brothers travelled to Lagos upon graduation and when they started doing well, they forced her to stop the business and she did.

My elder sister is married, I'm the only one staying with my mom. We've been one happy family and do not joke with our mom because we know what she went through to take care of us all by herself as a widow.

One day, my mom woke up with a red bulgy left eye and was complaining seriously of pain in her eye. I called my siblings and told them about it, and they sent me money to take her to hospital. Nothing serious was diagnosed at the hospital, they gave her drugs and eye drop and we left.

Before we knew it, my mom could no longer see with that eye and it was beginning to close up in its own. I took her to more than 7 hospitals and they kept trying but nothing worked.

We became really worried, my sister went to her pastor and complained to him and he told her that my mom is into witchcraft and her blindness is as a result of an operation she and her witches group carried out.

He even went further to warn her not to send her one naira to our mom again, else her source of income will run dry. My sister narrated all these to me with all conviction that it was true and even warned me to be very careful with mom.

I called my eldest brother to tell him about it and he told me that my sister already told him everything and that it's not false. He went ahead to narrate how he sees my mom in his dream anytime he's expecting money from a client and once he dreams of her, everything would crash.

According to him, it has happened thrice and my other brother has complained similar thing to him as well. They were just waiting for a perfect time to tell me about it. I was speechless, how could they think of our mom in that light?

Nothing made sense to me. How would my mom after all her suffering to see us successful in life, still turn to be the one against us when we are now doing well? What would she gain? Why would she do that? Why hasn't she attacked me that is here with her and then she's attacking those afar?

I thought it was something we would resolve in no time but it got more serious. They all stopped talking to me and mum, my sister even gave birth and didn't care to inform our mom. Her husband didn't call us either, I knew of it from Instagram.

My mom would cry everyday, she was always talking to herself, kept lamenting about my siblings not taking her calls. At some point, I had to tell her the truth because I ran out of excuses for them.

That truth broke her down and it hurt me so much. I expected my siblings to come back during Christmas and new year but they didn't. A year passed, none of them called to check on me at least, maybe I'm a wi.tch too.

I was able to take care of myself and mom through the money I earn from plating people's hair in front of our house. My mom resumed her akara business again even though her left eye had finally closed completely.

We reported the matter to our kinsmen and they invited my brothers but they still didn't come. We started going from church to church for solution but found none after spending a lot of money on deliverance and seeds.

My mom was loosing it gradually, I kept assuring her that her children will come come back to her with time. She will complain to anyone who cares to listen and it even started driving away some of her customers because some were scared that she might be truly a w.i.tch.

I would always reaffirm to her that she is a good woman and never a I begged her to stop telling people about it but I guess she couldn't. I didn't know where my brothers live in Lagos, I decided to visit my sister.

I got to their house and found out that they had moved out of their apartment and new tenants now occupies that place. I returned home and told mum about it and she started crying as usual. Another Christmas came and none of them came back.

I decided never to call any of them and even blocked them on all social media handles so I don't get to see their posts and start to hurt afresh. I moved on but my mom never did and I understand.

After Easter this year, my mom and her best friend had a disagreement and before I knew it, her best friend started calling her unprintable names, a wi.tch, how she wants to destroy her own children etc.

I was so shocked to hear those words from that woman. I told her to leave our house which she did and I calmed my mom down. That night, I was so mad and broken. I went to my dad's grave and cried my heart out.

I went in to sleep that night and saw my mum in my dream dressed in her best friend's clothe, bangle, earning, footwear and even eyeglass.

She entered my room with a calabash in her hand and a scissors. I was lying on the bed and she came to where I was lying down and wanted to cut my hair with the scissors.... 
Click here to read PART 2

Credit: Facebook|Humans of Abuja

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